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What is Omega 3?


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fats that play a pivotal role in maintaining overall health and well-being. These fats are classified into three main types: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While ALA is found in plant-based sources, EPA and DHA are predominantly found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements.

The benefits of Omega-3 to the eyes, heart, and brain are extensive. In terms of eye health, DHA, a major component of the retina, helps maintain optimal vision and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. For the heart, Omega-3 fatty acids aid in reducing triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, and preventing irregular heartbeats, thus promoting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease.

In the brain, DHA is a key structural component of the cerebral cortex, supporting cognitive function, memory, and learning. Additionally, Omega-3 may help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, fostering emotional well-being.

Incorporating Omega-3 into one's diet, whether through fish, supplements like OmegAmon, or plant-based sources, can contribute significantly to a healthier heart, a sharper brain, and better vision, making it an indispensable part of a balanced and nourishing lifestyle. Always seek professional medical advice before starting any supplement regimen.


OmegAmon is ideal for health-conscious individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being, boost brain health, and promote heart vitality..

Stay healthy, stay connected.


We understand that your health is of the utmost importance, which is why OmegAmon is made from the finest, responsibly sourced ingredients. Each batch is meticulously tested for purity, potency, and safety, ensuring a premium supplement that you can trust.


Caring for your health


OmegAmon is ideal for health-conscious individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being, boost brain health, and promote heart vitality. It caters to a wide audience, including busy professionals, students, parents, and seniors, who want to prioritize their health and enjoy the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for a better, healthier life.


Other Health Benefits

Enhance immune system

Boost energy

Speed up metabolism

Improve cognitive function

Improve memory

Stabilise emotion

Did You Know?

  • Brain Booster

    Elderberry contains dietary fibre, phenolic acids, flavonols and anthocyanins which strengthens immune system by increasing the white blood cell count.

  • Heart Protector

    Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is known to lower blood pressure in both healthy adults and people with high blood pressure


#1 Doctor Recommended Supplements


Doctors Recommend Omega-3 supplements, like OmegAmon, for multiple compelling reasons.

Firstly, Omega-3 fatty acids have extensively demonstrated cardiovascular benefits, including reducing triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, and improving cholesterol levels, which significantly reduces the risk of heart diseases like heart attacks and strokes. Secondly, the brain health benefits of Omega-3, particularly the DHA component, are well-documented, supporting cognitive function, memory, and overall brain performance, making it valuable for individuals aiming to maintain mental sharpness, particularly as they age. Additionally, Omega-3 aids eye health by protecting against age-related macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome, promoting better vision. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties are valuable for managing conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Some studies also suggest Omega-3's potential positive impact on mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. For pregnant women, Omega-3 is crucial for fetal brain and eye development. In cases of dietary restrictions or inadequate intake through food, lifestyle supplementation with Omega-3 can bridge nutritional gaps. It's essential to consult with a doctor before starting Omega-3 supplementation, especially for those with specific medical conditions or taking other medications to ensure compatibility and appropriate dosing. Overall, Omega-3 supplements offer a diverse array of health benefits, contributing to comprehensive well-being.





At the age of 60 years, I still feel young and energetic.


Thanks to the Newnesscare OmegAmon Product.



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By Felix Quansah 13 Nov, 2023
Elderberries, the dark purple fruits of the Sambucus tree, have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, thanks to their rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits. Modern research is beginning to uncover how these tiny berries might play a role in preventing various illnesses, including certain types of cancer. This blog post delves into the properties of elderberries and examines whether they could be a valuable addition to your health regimen. Does Folic Acid Help You Get Pregnant Faster? When it comes to getting pregnant, timing and health are key. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, plays a crucial role in cell division and DNA synthesis, which are vital processes in conception and pregnancy. Research suggests that folic acid may help in creating a more favorable environment for conception, potentially leading to quicker pregnancies for some women. While it’s not a guaranteed fast track to pregnancy, ensuring adequate folic acid intake is a proactive step in preparing your body for a healthy conception. What Illnesses Do Elderberries Prevent? Elderberries are celebrated for their immune-boosting properties. They are high in vitamins A, B, and C, along with potent antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. These nutrients contribute to the general strengthening of the immune system. Elderberries are commonly recognized for their efficacy in mitigating flu symptoms and reducing the duration of colds. Beyond these common ailments, ongoing research suggests that the antioxidants in elderberries might also help thwart oxidative stress, a contributor to chronic diseases, including certain cancers. Does Elderberry Help Prostate Cancer? Prostate cancer is a concern for many, especially as they age, and the search for natural supportive therapies is ongoing. Some laboratory studies have shown that the bioactive components of elderberries can influence the growth of cancer cells, including prostate cancer. While these findings are promising, it is essential to note that current evidence from human trials is limited. Therefore, elderberry should not replace conventional treatments; instead, it could be considered a complementary approach, pending further research and consultation with healthcare professionals. Can Elderberry Be Used as a Preventative? The concept of using natural products as a preventative measure for health issues is gaining traction. Elderberry's high antioxidant content is known to support the immune system, which theoretically could help the body fend off various diseases before they take hold. In terms of cancer prevention, the antioxidants in elderberries may help prevent the DNA damage that initiates cancer development. However, it is crucial to understand that no single food or supplement can offer complete protection against cancer. Instead, elderberry may be one component of a holistic approach to health maintenance and disease prevention. How Do You Use Elderberry as a Medicine? Elderberry can be incorporated into your diet in various forms. Supplements, such as capsules and tinctures, are a straightforward method, while syrups and lozenges are popular for addressing respiratory symptoms. For those looking to integrate elderberry into their diet more naturally, the fruit can be consumed in jams, juices, or teas. However, it's important to note that raw elderberries should not be eaten, as they can contain toxic compounds that are only neutralized by cooking. When considering elderberry supplements, quality is paramount. Products like Celgerite offer a standardized extract of elderberry, ensuring a consistent dose of the active components that contribute to its health benefits. Such products are convenient for those seeking to include elderberry as part of their daily health routine. In conclusion, elderberry holds potential in the realm of preventative health care, with a particular interest in its role in supporting the immune system and possibly reducing the risk of certain cancers. However, further research is needed to fully establish its efficacy and safety. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. As with any nutritional supplement, individual needs and responses can vary, so it's essential to monitor your health and adjust your use of elderberry as medicine accordingly. Remember, a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices are the cornerstones of disease prevention and maintaining optimum health.
By Felix Quansah 13 Nov, 2023
Embarking on the journey to conceive can be both exciting and overwhelming. With abundant advice on improving fertility, one nutrient that consistently takes center stage is folic acid. But how does this B-vitamin support conception, and can it truly speed up your path to pregnancy? In this post, we dive into the science behind folic acid and explore its benefits for those trying to conceive. Does Folic Acid Help You Get Pregnant Faster? When it comes to getting pregnant, timing and health are key. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, plays a crucial role in cell division and DNA synthesis, which are vital processes in conception and pregnancy. Research suggests that folic acid may help in creating a more favorable environment for conception, potentially leading to quicker pregnancies for some women. While it’s not a guaranteed fast track to pregnancy, ensuring adequate folic acid intake is a proactive step in preparing your body for a healthy conception. Benefits of Folic Acid for Fertility Aside from its potential to aid in faster conception, folic acid is renowned for its triple-threat benefits to maternal and child health: Prevents Birth Defects: Folic acid is famous for its role in significantly reducing the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the developing fetus. Supports Ovulation: Regular ovulation is a cornerstone of fertility, and studies indicate that folic acid can be beneficial in promoting healthy ovulation in women. Enhances Sperm Quality: It’s not just women who benefit. Folic acid has also been linked to improved sperm counts and health, contributing to a couple’s combined fertility potential. By supporting the body’s foundational reproductive processes, folic acid stands out as an essential nutrient for anyone looking to conceive. How Long Does Folic Acid Take to Work for Pregnancy? For those wondering about the timeline, folic acid is somewhat of a preparatory nutrient—it’s best to have sufficient levels in your system before you try to conceive. Health experts recommend that women who are trying to become pregnant should start taking 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid at least one month before conception and throughout the first trimester. This buildup is crucial for reaping the protective benefits for the baby, right from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Can Folic Acid Help to Conceive Twins? The thought of twins may be enticing to some aspiring parents, and while there's no definitive method to ensure a multiple birth, some studies suggest a correlation between folic acid supplementation and increased incidences of conceiving twins. However, this is not a guaranteed outcome and depends on many factors, including genetics and overall health. For those embarking on the journey to conception, incorporating a quality supplement like Pregna Premium can ensure you're getting the necessary amount of folic acid for your fertility needs. Pregna Premium is designed to provide the optimum levels of folic acid and other essential nutrients to support you and your baby’s health from preconception through pregnancy. In conclusion, while folic acid is not a fertility miracle cure, it’s a powerful ally in the quest for a healthy pregnancy. By understanding the role of folic acid and starting supplementation early, you can set the stage for a strong start to your future family’s journey.
By FELIX QUANSAH 08 Apr, 2022
Bones are an essential component of your body. Your bones provide structure to your body and allow you to move freely. They keep your muscles in place and protect your vital organs. They store calcium and other minerals that your body requires. Your bones can't create new tissue as quickly as they used to as you become older. You must eat healthily, exercise often, and make other smart decisions to keep your bones strong and healthy throughout time. Your bones are constantly changing throughout your life. Your old bone tissue degrades, and new bone tissue grows in its place. This turnover occurs quickly when you are younger, resulting in incredibly thick and strong bones. The process slows as you become older, and your bones lose mass quicker than they can replace it. Your bones can swiftly degenerate and weaken if you do not maintain proper bone health throughout your life. If you neglect your bone health, you're more likely to get osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disorder that develops in old age as a result of weakening and porous bones. It can result in several damaged bones, particularly in the wrists, hips, and spine, as well as the complications that accompany these fractures and breaks. Bone Health Factors The health and strength of your bones are affected by a variety of variables. Some items are excellent for your bones and can help strengthen them, while others might hasten their natural weakening. The following are some of the most important aspects of bone health: Diet: Bone health requires a well-balanced diet that includes all of the essential elements. A nutrient-deficient diet might cause your bones to deteriorate over time. Physical activity: Inactive people have weaker bones, but individuals who exercise regularly have stronger bones. Weight: Because very thin persons have less bone mass, to begin with, they are more susceptible to osteoporosis. Family history: People with a family history of osteoporosis are more prone to get the disease as they get older. Race: If you're white or Asian, you're more likely to have osteoporosis. Hormones: When thyroid hormones are overproduced, bone loss occurs. Because estrogen levels drop during menopause, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. Medications: Long-term use of some medications, such as corticosteroids, breast cancer therapies, anti-seizure meds, and others, might damage your bones. Taking Care of Your Bones Even if you have osteoporosis risk factors, there are numerous things you can do to keep your bones strong and dense for as long as possible. It is critical to begin as soon as possible. When you're young, you build up bone mass, which peaks around the age of 30. After then, your bone mass starts to deteriorate. Even if you're in a state of decline, you can do things to keep your bone strength. Calcium Calcium is a dietary mineral that is needed for bone health and is required for numerous bodily activities. Calcium can be found in low-fat dairy products, dark green and leafy vegetables, almonds, and calcium-fortified meals. You can also take a supplement like Newnesscare’s Osteosen Original which contains the right amount of calcium to help with this. Adult doses range from 1,000 to 1,300 mg per day, depending on your doctor's recommendation. Vitamin D is an important nutrient. Another mineral that is necessary for bone health is vitamin D. Vitamin D can be obtained by exposure to the sun, but if your skin is protected, you can also take a supplement or consume vitamin D-rich foods. Incorporate oily fish, eggs, and fortified milk into your diet, and consult your doctor for a supplement dose recommendation. Exercise Physical activity, in addition to a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, is critical for bone health. Weight-bearing workouts, in particular, help to keep bones strong. Walking, running, climbing stairs, jumping rope, dancing, tennis, and basketball are all good forms of exercise for bone health. Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages If you smoke, you should stop for the sake of your bones' health. Cigarette smoking has been related to an increased risk of osteoporosis. This is also a risk of drinking alcohol. If you consume more than one or two drinks multiple times each week, cut back on your alcohol consumption. Consult your physician. Make an appointment with your doctor if you are over the age of 50 and are concerned about bone loss and osteoporosis. A bone density test can be administered by your doctor to determine if you are at risk and what steps you should take to improve your bone health.
By FELIX QUANSAH 01 Apr, 2022
Vitamin A is a general term for a group of fat-soluble compounds that are essential for human health. They're necessary for a variety of bodily functions, including preserving healthy vision, guaranteeing normal immunological and organ function, and assisting in the appropriate growth and development of kids in the womb. Vitamin A intake for adults should be 900 mcg per day, 700 mcg for women, and 300–600 mcg for children and adolescents. Vitamin A molecules come in two forms: preformed and provitamin A. They can be found in both animal and plant sources. The active form of vitamin A is preformed vitamin A, which your body can utilize right away. The chemicals such as retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid can commonly be found in animal products such as beef, chicken, fish, and dairy. Carotenoids of provitamin A — alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin — are the vitamin's inactive form found in plants. In your body, these chemicals are transformed into their active form. In the small intestine, beta-carotene is converted to retinol (an active form of vitamin A). Here are six of vitamin A's most crucial health advantages; 1. Protects Your Vision Against Night Blindness and Aging-Related Degeneration; Vitamin A is necessary for maintaining your vision. The light must be converted into an electrical signal that can be conveyed to the brain, and the vitamin is required for this. Night blindness, also known as nyctalopia, is one of the first signs of vitamin A insufficiency. Night blindness is caused by a lack of vitamin A, which is a major component of the pigment rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive protein found in your eye's retina. During the day, people with this disorder can see normally, but their vision is impaired in the dark because their eyes struggle to pick up light at lower levels. In addition to preventing night blindness, including enough beta-carotene in your diet can help delay the loss of vision that some individuals experience as they get older. In the industrialized world, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the main cause of blindness. Though the specific origin is uncertain, it's assumed to be the result of oxidative stress-induced cellular damage to the retina. Giving antioxidant supplements (including beta-carotene) to persons over 50 with moderate vision loss reduced their risk of getting advanced macular degeneration by 25%, according to the Age-Related Eye Disease Study. However, according to a recent Cochrane analysis, beta-carotene supplementation alone will neither prevent nor delay the loss of vision caused by AMD. 2. Reduce the risk of getting certain cancers; When aberrant cells begin to multiply or divide uncontrollably, cancer develops. Scientists are interested in vitamin A's influence on cancer risk and involvement in cancer prevention because it plays such a crucial part in cell growth and development. Higher intakes of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene have been related to a lower risk of some cancers, including Hodgkin's lymphoma, cervical, lung, and bladder cancer, in observational studies. Even though large intakes of vitamin A from plant foods have been connected to a lower risk of cancer, animal foods containing active forms of vitamin A have not been linked in the same way. Vitamin A pills, on the other hand, haven't been demonstrated to be as effective. Smokers who took beta-carotene supplements had a higher risk of lung cancer in some trials. The link between vitamin A levels in the body and cancer risk is still unknown. Nonetheless, recent data suggests that getting enough vitamin A, particularly from plants, is necessary for proper cell division and may lower your risk of certain cancers. 3. Aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system; Vitamin A aids in the maintenance of your body's natural defenses. This includes the mucous barriers in your eyes, lungs, gut, and genitals that help trap bacteria and other infectious agents. It also helps white blood cells grow and operate, which are in charge of catching and eliminating germs and other diseases from your bloodstream. This means that a vitamin A deficit can make you more susceptible to infections and cause you to take longer to recover when you're sick. Correcting vitamin A deficiency in children has been demonstrated to reduce the chance of dying from infections like measles and malaria in regions where these diseases are common. 4. Promotes Reproductive and Growth Health; Vitamin A is necessary for both men and women to have a healthy reproductive system, as well as for the correct growth and development of embryos throughout pregnancy. The relevance of vitamin A in male reproduction has been studied in rats, and it has been discovered that a deficit prevents the formation of sperm cells, resulting in sterility. Animal studies have also shown that vitamin A deficiency in females can disrupt reproduction by lowering egg quality and affecting egg implantation in the womb. Vitamin A is important for the growth and development of several key organs and structures in the unborn child, including the skeleton, nervous system, heart, kidneys, eyes, lungs, and pancreas in pregnant women. However, while not as prevalent as vitamin A deficiency, too much vitamin A during pregnancy can be hazardous to the developing baby and cause birth abnormalities. As a result, various health organizations urged pregnant women to avoid foods high in vitamin A, such as pâté and liver, as well as vitamin A supplements. Final Thoughts Vitamin A is required for a wide range of biological processes. It's used to keep your vision healthy, ensure the proper working of your organs and immune system, and help kids grow and develop normally in the womb. Vitamin A deficiency, as well as excess vitamin A, can be harmful to your health. The easiest method to achieve the appropriate balance is to eat vitamin-A-rich foods as part of your regular diet as well as take supplements that are rich in Vitamin A like Newnesscare’s Deurovit original and Fertilma plus . These supplements help boost your immune system as well as semen mortality and testosterone level for male reproductive health.
By Felix Quansah 15 Dec, 2021
Do you know that the common age of first-time mothers has risen from 25 to 29.5 within the past 20 years? Which within the past twenty years, women’s issues with subfertility have increased, and now hover at an astonishing 40-50%? As women wait longer before attempting their first pregnancy, the necessity to observe and look after one’s fertility has also risen (though fertility doesn't drop quite as dramatically after 30 as many blogs out there'll lead you to believe). Additionally, environmental factors, recreational drinking and smoking, and external stressors can make it even tougher to conceive. Thankfully, today’s couples have an array of resources available to them to assist them to balance their hormones, improve fertility, increase sperm health and motility, and preparing the body for a successful pregnancy. In this article we have compiled that 4 major supplements that our company can confidently recommend to boost your fertility and overall reproductive and hormonal health. L-arginine Taking L-Arginine can help both male and feminine fertility and is usually prescribed for couples attempting to possess a baby. it's instrumental in aiding the body to supply gas, which elevates the bloodstream to the genitalia and ovaries. Not exclusively, is L-Arginine for the foremost part acknowledged as a moxie sponsor for girls, but at the identical time is employed to normally work on the sexual working in men, and is prevalently utilized by men beyond 40 years old a characteristic option in contrast to Viagra. on guide impact on endeavors to think about, L-arginine is provided for expanding both the sum and motility of sperm. For ladies, L-Arginine can increment cervical humor. Our product Fertilma Women contain L-arginine and it's the proper supplement to assist you to boost your fertility and reproductive health. Vitamin D However it's generally expected considered as a "sunlight nutrient," vitamin D is broadly perceived as an important part of both an efficient origination and a sound, live conveyance. Keeping a perfect fat-soluble vitamin level within the body is attainable with enough daylight openness. In any case, the general public doesn't assimilate sufficient daylight to reach this ideal limit once a year. fat-soluble vitamin isn't ordinarily found in food sources. A calciferol inadequacy can straightforwardly diminish female fertility and lower the fitness of a pregnancy. Consequently, screening female patients hoping to urge pregnant for cholecalciferol levels is normal practice. Some studies have shown that a normal vitamin D level improves the probability of Caucasian ladies imagining with IVF multiple times almost certain than those with low ergocalciferol levels. Dark and Hispanic ladies are frequently in peril of low vitamin D levels, and must thusly take additional consideration to ensure their levels are helpful for pregnancy while attempting to imagine. Assuming you're contemplating whether a cholecalciferol insufficiency is discouraging your endeavors to urge pregnant, talk to your doctor. they're going to want to suggest a supplement like our product Pregna Premium that contains 10 mcg of D which is suitable for your specific conditions to assist improve upon your fertility and general wellbeing. Folic Acid An unprecedented supplement for a solid eating regimen - and an often suggested one for women and men attempting to urge pregnant - is vitamin Bc. As a major water-soluble vitamin, B is instrumental in lessening the potential for exoderm defects - and intrinsic heart absconds - in embryos. At the purpose when you're attempting to think about, the 2 accomplices should take a vitamin B supplement, notwithstanding whichever vitamins they're now taking day by day. Moreover, ingestion of folates (folic acid in normal structure) is another solid method for supporting fertility, through expanding the presence of green foods in your eating routine. Ladies attempting to contemplate should specialize in 4 mg of pteroylmonoglutamic acid day by day. Since the sperm cycle for men requires 80 days, it's for the foremost part prescribed to begin a day-by-day portion of B-complex vitamin several starts attempting to possess a baby. Antioxidants Cell reinforcements like folate and zinc might further increase fertility for all types of individuals. They deactivate the free revolutionaries in your body, which might harm both sperm and egg cells. A total number of about 232 ladies were studied and the results showed that a higher folate intake was associated with higher paces of implantation, clinical pregnancy, and nativity. The jury is up to now out on what percentage of cells reinforcements will or won't influence fertility, yet their proof is highlighting the potential. Food varieties like organic products, vegetables, nuts, and grains are stuffed loaded with valuable cell antioxidants like vitamins C and E, folate, beta carotene, and lutein. Eating a greater amount of those quality food sources shouldn't hurt within the work.
By Felix Quansah 08 Dec, 2021
Vitamin C which is also known as Ascorbic Acid is a critical nutrient for health. It facilitates shape and preserves bones, skin, and blood vessels. It is likewise an antioxidant. Vitamin C occurs naturally in some foods, especially fruits and vegetables. There are also dietary supplements containing vitamin C. This article will tell you more about why we need vitamin C, how much we need, and where to find it. Sources of Vitamin C The right sources of vitamin C are homegrown foods from our little gardens. Nonetheless, heat and cooking can take away some of the vitamin C substances in these food sources, so eating them raw is mostly advised. Some great sources of Vitamin C include the following; • Grapefruit • Orange and organic orange juice • Green and red pepper • Tomatoes • Potatoes • Green peas • Kiwi fruit • Strawberries Why Do We Need Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water solvent, and the body doesn't store it. To keep up with satisfactory degrees of vitamin C, individuals need to eat food that contains it consistently. The body needs nutrient C for different capacities. Here are some of them: • It helps the body to produce collagen, L-carnitine, and a few synapses. • It helps in iron absorption in the body. • Vitamin C also enhances wound healing. • It also boosts the immune system. • As a cancer prevention agent, it helps eliminate undesirable substances known as responsive oxidative species (ROS) from the body. ROS are substances, for example, free revolutionaries that outcome from regular substantial cycles, openness to contamination, and different elements. They can prompt oxidative pressure, which can, thus, cause cell harm. Vitamin C's cell reinforcement action might assist with decreasing irritation and lower the danger of creating different conditions, including a few cancers. The body needs vitamin C to create collagen. This is the principal part of connective tissue and makes up 1–2% of muscle tissue. Collagen is an essential part of fibrous tissues, such as the following; • Bones • Guts • Tendons • Skin • Cartilage • Ligaments • Blood vessels • Cornea A low level of vitamin C in the body can prompt Scurvy. Scurvy is a condition of dietary inadequacy of nutrient C (ascorbic acid). This happens when the human body comes up short on the capacity to combine and make vitamin C and subsequently relies upon supplements such as Newnesscare Celgirite which has the right amount of vitamin C the body needs. Signs of scurvy include; enlarged joints, gum bleeding and loose teeth, weakness, and fatigue. With Newnesscare’s Celgerite , you are assured that your body will be getting the right amount of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to prevent scurvy and also strengthen your bones and joints. Visit newnesscare.com to order yours now.
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